Warning: Jürgen Elsässer’s „COMPACT“ now wants to spread its disinformation internationally

To be clear from the outset: „COMPACT“, published by Jürgen Elsässer, is not alternative journalism. It is political agitation, propaganda and, unfortunately, disinformation. The first mostly in the Kremlin’s interest; the latter is especially true in view of the technocratic Trojan horse that is Donald Trump, about whom „COMPACT“ repeatedly spreads the false claim that he is an „outsider“ who is „causing the elites to panic“. Nothing could be further from the truth.
It’s no coincidence that Elsässer always sides with Vladimir Putin and russian politics. Everything that goes wrong in these times is always and without any exemption the West’s fault. Of course, such a view is not only extremely one-sided, but also simplistic, foolish and dubious.
German alternative journalist and publicist Alexander Benesch wrote about Elsässer – and quite rightly:
„Compact began in 2010 with a kind of cross-frontist attitude, i.e. neither radically left (like Elsässer used to be) nor radically right, but essentially against NATO and the USA. It soon became clear that it was a strategic mix of ideologies, similar to the one Moscow had adopted to serve Soviet nostalgics, right-wingers, supporters of the old Tsarist Empire and other groups. […] Elsässer is known for his coldness towards anything that gets in the way of Russia. […] He ‚did not shed a tear‘ for Chechnya, he had no compassion for the destruction of Russian dissidents […] Typical of Elsässer is his massive emotional coldness towards others, and at the same time the hysterical claiming of the role of victim and martyr when he himself experiences negative consequences.«
Source: „Ministry of the Interior bans Jürgen Elsässer’s magazine ‘COMPACT’„
There is nothing to add. Now one might think that this is just Benesch’s opinion. However, I can confirm his words from my own long experience with Germany’s pseudo-alternative media of which „COMPACT“ is a part of as a contemporary witness.
Furthermore, Elsässer spreads the highly dubious claim that the BRICS are a real „alternative“ and would build a much better, freer or fairer model than the Western one. Wrong. The BRICS are merely what Eric Arthur Blair („George Orwell“) had called „Asiania“ or „East Asia“ in his „1984“: According to him, three major power blocs would emerge in the world – Oceania, Eurasia, and Asiania (East Asia).
Today we have exactly this situation: Oceania (USA/Anglo-American bloc), Eurasia (EU) and Asiania (BRICS). But surely this is just a trivial whim of history …
Even before Orwell, James Burnham had described this remodelling of the world – as early as 1943. He wrote that after the end of the Second World War, „many more wars would have to be fought“ to achieve the desired division of the world into three major remaining power blocs.
If you would like to find out more about this, I strongly recommend reading the following articles:
Just for starters.
And if you want to educate yourself about Technocracy, I recommend
A brief aside: have you also wondered – as did much of the press – why Donald Trump seriously suggested that America should expand to include Greenland and Panama? Well, the idea didn’t come from him. It’s older than he is. Six years, to be exact. Because a map showing exactly this area – USA plus Greenland plus Panama – was already published in 1940 – by „Technocracy, Inc.“ in their „Technocracy Study Course.“

In another article („There is no freedom of the press in Jürgen Elsässer’s beloved Mother Russia“), Benesch writes:
„After the compact ban, Jürgen Elsässer and other influencers reacted as expected: they emphasised freedom of the press as the sacred asset of every constitutional state. What a shame that Elsässer doesn’t seem to care about press freedom when it affects opponents of the Putin regime. In Russia, anything the state doesn’t like is effectively banned; the laws aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. Even the slightest resistance to anything is prosecuted. […] The usual Kremlin propagandists in the West routinely claim to stand for human rights and everything good. Firstly, those paper trumpets should have known long ago that Russia is now in the same situation as in the Middle Ages or in Soviet times. Secondly, they should have a rough idea that the Russian Soviet regime had scores of Soviet officials arrested and tortured. That means that if Russia ever gains control over Western Europe, the Kremlin propagandists will be among the first to be rounded up and tortured.“
To shorten a longer story a bit: Jürgen Elsässer is dishonest. He can claim as long as he wants that he wants to „inform“ or „educate“, but at its current level, „COMPACT“ is nothing more than a cheaply made, untrustworthy propaganda organ.
If you absolutely want to consume it, knock yourself out. But you have to read it not just with a grain, but ten pounds of salt.
To conclude, this one made me laugh hard:

You don’t say. Elon, our saviour. Really? Well, other authors come to different conclusions. CJ Hopkins, for instance (my emphases):
„Oh, and, speaking of unquestioning allegiance, the other primary source of shameless zealotry in 2024 was the Musk Cult. […] Notwithstanding the fact that it is massive, and global, the Musk Cult works like any other cult. Cultists’ brains are relentlessly barraged with infantile AI-generated Elon memes. Elon as Ceasar. Elon as Jesus. Elon as Captain Free-Speech America. Elon as the right hand of Trump. Elon as the Martian Führer.
They are inundated with Elon’s thought-terminating clichés and mind-numbing platitudes throughout the day. ‚X is the only source of truth.‘ ‚The hammer of justice is coming.‘ And so on. Dare to post anything critical of Elon and you will be set upon by Musk-Cult zealots, or visibility-filtered into the void. Milieu control, demand for purity, loaded language, dispensing of existence, and all the other classic hallmarks of cults and operant conditioning are in effect.„
Or Iain Davis (my emphases):
Another notable problem [is the] preposterous suggestion that Elon Musk is a defender of free speech. Musk claims to be a ‚free speech absolutist,‘ yet he simultaneously censors people on X. He declares that X is a social media platform that provides ‚freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach.‚ Someone with an X account can say whatever they like on that platform, but if their ‚reach‘ is restricted by the X algorithm, other X users will have no opportunity to read or hear it.
How does this censorship work? To become an ‚influencer‘ on X, you either pay for the privilege or are approved and actively promoted by the X algorithm. This means that for ordinary people and smaller independent journalists, unless X decides to promote what they say, the platform is an echo-chamber. In other words, X is a narrative control and propaganda operation.
Elon Musk is a defence and intelligence contractor for the US military industrial complex. He has leveraged billions of dollars of debt to fund a succession of failed business ventures. Musk holds the world record for losing the largest-ever personal fortune when he dumped Tesla stock to finance the Twitter deal. Supposedly one of the richest people on Earth, his purchase of Twitter and his push to transform it into X has certainly brought public attention to the issue of free speech. Yet Musk evidently bought it with the intention of censoring posts on it.
Musk has had the unwavering financial support of a clique of globalists and accelerationist proponents of the Dark Enlightenment. Working in partnership with governments, they have kept Musk afloat whenever his businesses threatened to collapse—often by pouring enormous taxpayer subsidies into his speculative ideas.
For example, in 2002 Musk launched Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) with the support of Michael Griffin, then president and chief operating officer of CIA investment firm In-Q-Tel. But by 2008 Musk was flat broke. Despite considerable taxpayer-funded investments, SpaceX was bankrupt.
Oh, and to put a cherry on top: It’s extremely funny that none other than Oliver Janich shared Elsässer’s posting in his own Telecrap-Channel. No surprises here, because Janich is as dishonest and spreads as much disinformation as Elsässer and „COMPACT“. That’s how propaganda cartels work, and in Germany right now, Janich and Elsässer are just two members of this cartel who always stick together and ignore with remarkable energy anyone who debunks their bullshit.